Thank you for having me on...

Some important articles used for visual aides in the podcast for reference;

WHAT exactly happened to ALL 7 buildings with a WTC prefix on Sept 11, 2001?

The following points need to be made regarding what exactly happened to the buildings and the observable evidence at ground zero, that the “9/11 truth movement” never touch on…

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/what-exactly-happened-to-all-7-buildings

The 9/11 Building 7 HOAX

Building 7 did NOT go down to fire or explosives.

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/the-building-7-hoax-video-of-2011

The molecular dissociation of the thermite & nuke theories

People are so easily led by perceived "experts".

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/the-controlled-demolition-of-thermite

9/11 Truth Suppression Timeline

"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves." - Vladimir Lenin

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/911-truth-suppression-timeline

Revisiting the various 9/11 Plane Narratives

The most important thought experiment to date

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/revisiting-the-911-cgi-plane-narrative

September 11, 2001 - An Essential Guide (2024)

Sept 11, 2001 has been and still is a 23 year long PSYOP.

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/september-11-2001-an-essential-guide

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Awesome extended presentation here! Thanks to both of you.

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I am glad you found it educational on how the truth of 9/11 has been obscured by the 9/11 “truth” movement’s talking heads…

I highly recommend Prof David A, Hughes' writing on 9/11 as well.

This is an excellent presentation he did, also pointing out the problems with the thermite and nuke theories... (see his substack tab on 9/11 for more info)

Prof David A. Hughes – An 1h Presentation of irrefutable 9/11 evidence in 2024

There are three key layers to perception management:

(i) the official narrative,

(ii) the official approved alternative narrative, and

(iii) the truth.

Presentation: https://dhughes.substack.com/p/in-defence-of-judy-wood

Also look into the "planes" with Mark Conlon - 9/11 Planes Research

His substack: https://911planesresearch.substack.com/

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Yes, I'm among Prof David A. Hughes' early Substack subscribers, and find his articles, books, and interviews very helpful. Looking forward to seeing Jerm's upcoming interview with him.

I noticed your very gracious close to this presentation: "I don't really need followers -- I don't want followers -- I just want people to go look at Dr. Wood's book [Where did the Towers Go?"], and Andrew Johnson's two books ["911 Holding the Truth" and "911 Finding the Truth"] and they can then make up their own minds..."

Yes, more awakenings please.

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Jerm’s podcast with Prof Hughes was very good and they also ended up touching on 9/11 - You’ll really enjoy it once it comes out..

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Sounds like one of the benefits of being interviewed by Jerm, was the opportunity to see the Hughes interview before released. Do you know when he plans to post it?

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Yes, it's a benefit to be a monthly subscriber to Jerm's community, because you can watch the interview as it' being recorded.

BUT I've been following Prof Hughes for some time now and the interview was stellar.

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I signed up via Substack. Looks like I should have signed up on his website to see info about attending live interviews.

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Send email an email and I will sort you out. Can't have you missing out on the cool stuff!

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I too subscribe to Jerm and Hughes, but was not aware I can watch Jerm live. Thanks for the info!

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Just my bit on the subject, however the ONLY thing necessary to force the conclusion that 9/11/2001 was a total fraud: being the fact that all 4 alleged airliner crashes would have required violations of the laws of physics in order to have been as reported. This is a HUGE glaring issue. There were NO airliners. 9/11/2001 was a LIE - - - "HomeLandSecurity" is based upon FRAUD.

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