Sep 16·edited Sep 16

I strongly believe it.

Our cells in our body are are programmed through our habits and thinking.

Once we ‘reorganise’ our cells - they are ‘reprogrammed’, we are able to change our conscious minds, our ways - WE change. Our bodies made up of our cells .. it reacts..

We are truly miracles.. sadly, we are not aware enough.. 🌹

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One thing I find confusing about GNM is how so many have rushed to declare themselves ‘practitioners’ of it. When I see it explained, people talk about brain scans showing diagnostic signs that are telltale. And yet I have never met one person doing brain scans, they simply go to the right hand/left hand side of the body and of course use the anatomical correlations. Also, there is no unifying theory that ties it all together. I do find it interesting, but I am weary as I’ve seen several people rush to declare themselves practitioners, and then start charging online for consults.

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One more thing, if you talk to carnivores they will swear every illness on the face of the earth has been healed by their new diet, lol.

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Is the animals subconscious also responsible for their sicknesses? I don't think this German New Medicine is well thought through.

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It’s worth saying that Dr Hamer’s wife also got “cancer”, as her biology ran the survival program, in response to the shock of her son’s shooting and subsequent death.

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Two years ago I had some strange eczema come up on my leg and I messed with it and then asked my body to fix it. And it went away.

Antidotal but this is my experience.

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Louise L Hay "Heal your Body/Little Blue Book" (1982) - "The mental causes for physical illness & the metaphysical way to overcome them"; her probable mental cause of a manifested dis-ease is fascinating and gives food for thought. 'Our body, mind and spirit need to be in balance' and, and instead of popping pills or going under the surgeon's knife, we must be willing to do the hard work to bring our bodies back into harmony (with help if necessary).

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you can also research Dr Caroline Leaf, a neuroscientist, believes much the same, about 85% sicknesses because of wrongfull thinking.

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I can relate 2 close family members trauma with their sickness, one with breast cancer and one with diabetes.

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