Sep 13·edited Sep 13

"Hang on.



For the same reason that Biden, Starmer and Scholz don't acknowledge the genocide against the Palestinians in Gaza by the IDF/Israel right now.

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Meh, it gave more time to make stuff up. There are several videos online about no evidence, with quite compelling evidence.

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The Central Bankers funded Hilter and the Nazis while the Vatican laundered money for the same. One of the main objectives of WWII was the creation of the IMF/WorldBank/WTO while at the same time sweeping away any remnants of the power structure not destroyed by WWI.

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This is a VERY interesting response from Chat GPT

The texts you've referenced, including Eisenhower’s Crusade in Europe, Churchill’s The Second World War, and de Gaulle’s Mémoires de guerre, are primarily memoirs and historical accounts written by the political and military leaders of World War II. While these books cover various aspects of the war, including military campaigns, diplomacy, and leadership, they are not comprehensive accounts of all the atrocities that occurred, such as the Holocaust.

Reasons why gas chambers or the genocide of 6 million Jewish people might not be heavily featured in these works:

Focus of the Authors: Eisenhower, Churchill, and de Gaulle were primarily concerned with military strategies, leadership, and political aspects of the war. Their works focus more on the campaigns, decisions, and events that involved their respective roles during the war.

Timing of the Writing: These memoirs were written shortly after the war (between 1948 and 1959), and while the Holocaust was known by this time, much of the detailed research, documentation, and understanding of the genocide came to the forefront later, especially during the trials and historical studies that followed.

Genre: These works are not comprehensive histories of the Holocaust but reflections on the war from the perspective of military and political leadership. The Holocaust may not be central to the scope of their narratives.

For detailed accounts of the Holocaust and the genocide of 6 million Jews, you'd want to look at works specifically focused on that subject, such as:

Raul Hilberg’s The Destruction of the European Jews (1961)

Lucy Dawidowicz’s The War Against the Jews (1975)

If you're looking for specific references to gas chambers or the genocide in these particular works, it's important to recognize that these memoirs would not typically focus on those aspects, as their primary aim was not to chronicle every aspect of the war, but rather to provide a personal account of military and political experiences.

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That is interesting.

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Not surprising you'd get a response like that from Chat GPT. The long game is longer than you think.

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re; 'you'd want to look at works specifically focused on that subject, such as Hilberg & Dawidowicz...' ah, thats exactly WHY you wldnt want to take their narrative seriously. there is huge evidence supporting dr jones. the longer after the event [the war] the more a narrative got established over the facts

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The Alies put Germans in open air camps after the war with orders to shoot anyone bringing food to the camps, and some were shot; "Other Losses"

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Daryl Cooper got in trouble on Tucker for implying a lot of what Jones here talks about. His podcast Martyr made podcast episode anti-humans is a really good reference.

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Just another amazing interview !!! Great job Jerm , you should found Michael Brown in South Africa and do is first interview since 10 years , lost of people recommending is incredible technique * The Presence process * as Gabor Maté...

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Well done Jerm on arranging this interview and your move to Substack which is a superior platform.

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Kudos to Michael Jones on tackling this very controversial subject which will surely bring down a firestorm of condemnation firstly from the Jewish controlled media and secondly from Christians who have been conditioned to believe that the Jews are God’s chosen people and can do or say nothing wrong.

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But, wasn’t Jesus a Jew?

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Couldn’t make it all that far into this interview. Your interviewee is as full of BS and a card-carrying member of the historical revisionist society as is Darrel Cooper, recently interviewed on TNC.

Again, I am not Jewish, but I know antisemites when I see/hear/read them, Jeremy.

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He’s not an antisemite.

He has nothing against Arabs.

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Can you explain why the three most significant Allied leaders—Churchill, Eisenhower, and de Gaulle—made absolutely no mention of gas chambers or genocide in their memoirs? And can you also explain why the Red Cross found no evidence of gas chambers?

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