Thanks for posting this interview Jeremy!

It was made easy for me because you asked the right questions and gave me the time to answer them fully. I appreciated that very much. We must talk again soon! xx

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It was so interesting that I just had to listen!

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Dear Frances

Do you have books published? If so, how can I buy them ? I live in Portugal. Thank you

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Lovely to hear Francis cover this subject on air.

Regarding the Black Nobility being 'nihilist's; as in someone holding a viewpoint that "traditional values and beliefs are unfounded and that existence is senseless and useless" - I do not feel that Pike in saying the 'nihilist's; and atheist's would bring on the 3rd world war he was not referring to the Black Nobility themselves but rather to their assets as deployed by the Black Nobility via other groups such as the Freemason's, using Communists and others.

The Black Nobility I would venture are more Occultists and Satanists / Luciferian's .

Their war's are blood sacrifices and they are working with demon's.

The Black Nobility stem from the Canaanites who morphed into the Phoenicians and then the Venetians and then as Francis said the Black Nobility. Their hatred of others originates from the Will of Cain as in the Biblical story Cain and Abel.

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Do you think The Black Nobs believe themselves to be descendants of "the sons of God and the daughters of men"? Could it be true?

Weren't the Canaanites, descendants of Ham, cursed by Noah to be the slaves of the Israelites? Aren't The Black Nobs fans of slavery? Today, don't The Black Nobs hide behind Zionists, who in turn hide behind Jews/Jewishness/antisemitism?

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"sons of God and daughters of men?" Wow. But it does sound very black nobbish...

There's a very interesting book, written in the 70's, called "The First Sex."

It's about how men decimated the role of women and subjugated, brutalized, and made the current patriarchical concept of MAN being primary and WOMAN being secondary, to use rather crude language, because I have to hurry. It's a shocking book and has a lot of history that is well-documented, although there's a few things I question...

Anyway, it's obvious that what came first is the CHICKEN, since you can't have an egg without a chicken! But I do think that men and women are meant to be EQUALS, while in different roles, mostly (some cross-over seems pretty normal). Two part of a WHOLE...

There's a Cherokee idea that I think describes the relationship between male & female pretty well: Men are here to protect women and children and do the building, hunting, etc. Women are here to bring the men to their Spirits. Those are MY words, so hopefully I'm imparting the idea as it was meant.

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And women are here to bring forth the next generation. They were beautifully designed to be the physical portal from the spiritual realm.

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Well, yeah! Because MEN don't have babies, LOL. xo

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You're nothing if not controversial, WH!

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Hmmm, I’ve been told dat before, ha haa harf!

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Women in the West have mostly castrated the men. Western women need to examine the way women are treated in Islam? A Muslim man rapped a 13 years old girl in London. He told the judge that he went to Islamic school in London that teaches women are worthless? Like a piece of candy to be consumed.

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You seem to be saying two different things here.

The first makes NO sense to me at all, although there ARE women who are dominating and abusive. Not ALL Islamic people believe the same things, either, just like Christians have various sects.

But women and men are BOTH equally worthy of respect and decency, and no one should be treated as WORTHLESS, that is against all the clear teachings of Nature.

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Cunning men write cunning books of convenient "history"

Remember that when reading any history.

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Oh, I doooooo.

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Hilarious! Black Nobs. Love that. Thanks for that.

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We all have Frances to thank for coining that sobriquet!

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True dat! ^_^

Now, get busy T, and give us a new hilarious sobriquet. ;)

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Apologies Frances! 🫡

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Somewhere I had read that there are 2 bloodlines:

Adam and Eve. From them you get Abel.

Lucifer and Eve. From them you get Cain.

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Sep 12·edited Sep 12

Exactly! Of course Cain murdered Abel! Adam and Eve had another son Seth! Also the fallen angels mated with human women producing the nephilim/giants! I don't believe that all of the nephilim died in the flood? I believe that some of the descendants of Ham, Hams sons and grandsons married nephilim women! Over time(centuries)these giants that survived the flood had to blend in with regular humans and continue to have children which deluded the fallen angel genes that produced the giants which caused the nephilim offspring to shrink in size over generations making them more human looking! So if Hams male descendants married nephilim women these women had to be descendants of the original nephilim/giants that survived! Where else would they come from? Also Cain had children too!

So the human bloodline of God our Most High Creator(the normal humans who aren't evil)came from Adam and Eve and their son Seth! While the evil beings half human came from the offspring of the fallen angels and nephilim and from Cain! 2 bloodlines one from the Most High and one from Satan! Good vs Evil! Satan vs God! Satan's attack on The Most High's creation which is us 100% genetic human beings and the planet earth, The Most High's creation for us as our home! This is why these "things" that call themselves elite and Nobility or the elite class wants to depopulate and enslave humanity and destroy the planet through their climate change bullshit! They want to reduce carbon and the carbon footprint on the planet which makes no sense because human beings are a carbon life form! The planet is alive and it will take care of itself! The Most High told humans to multiply on this planet, to look after it and take care of it!

They are the one's that took humanity off of their farms and away from farming, working the land, and growing our on food, we grew real food and ate real food, not this GMO trash and fast food that people are eating today! They are the ones that deceived humanity to go work in their industrial factories with promises of an easier lifestyle! Or they took family farms away from people too! The "things" that call themselves elite can't stand to see humanity self sufficient, living off the land and producing everything we need through nature and being independent! They can't control and enslave people who produce their own resources, food and everything needed for life! So these "things" deceived humanity to go to work for them in the factories making everything that "They" design! Most of what "They" design is poison and toxic to us and the planet! Plastic is a perfect example! It doesn't degrade like things from nature does!

So "They" took over everything, bought up all the land and resources, took everything over from humanity and now human beings have to work for "Them" at jobs just to survive and eat in debt slavery to "Them!"

Most of the things that we make and produce at jobs in the corporations that "They" own are toxic poisons that's terrible for human beings and terrible for the planet but they blame humanity, us, for polluting the planet and for climate change! These so-called Nobile elite families are nothing but fallen angel nephilim parasites that live off of humanity and human energy! It's past time for true human beings to wake up to who and what this Nobility class is and what's really going on on this planet! "They" want our complete enslavement for control and to control is world for "Themselves!"

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Sep 12·edited Sep 12

Yes, Seth effectively replaced the murdered Abel and was the progenitor of Noah's line. There seems to be some confusion/argument about Cain's line though. Is Cain (rather than Ham?) linked with the Canaanites?

A bit off topic, but interesting to note that, although Noah's ark came to rest on Mount Ararat in Turkey, a good case can be made Noah in fact lived and built his ark in southern Britain (Dartmoor) and that his descendants eventually returned from western Asia in two great migrations (1527 BC and 485 BC), where they found a land occupied by giants, led by Gogmagog. Nephilim, I wonder?

Noah's true identity was probably King Sisuda or Ziusudra, while a "noe" was the type of shallow vessel which he ordered to be built.


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I remember seeing a guy, a college professor, I think, who was tying in ALL the Bible stuff into ASTROLOGY... You'd prolly like it, but I forget his name, dang it. I think he was a Brit...

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I prolly would :)

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Interesting! I'll check out that link! And with Cain, I don't know? I've had the same question too! I thought it was Cain too! I'm looking into and researching this information about who is who and where these ancient people really came from! Where does Cain come in at? Did Cain's descendants mix with the Canaanites? And are the Canaanites descendants of the fallen angel nephilim? I'm looking for the truth! And Gog and Magog, I'm pretty sure they were nephilim like Gilgamesh and Nimrod were!

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You may find some interesting stuff in here:


That YT channel has a playlist with several similar presentations by the same guy ;)

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Yeah he's got some interesting stuff on his channel!

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Venice, Piso and Genoa were Italian City States set up by Phoenicians.

Phoenicians descend from Canaan.



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Eustace Mullins was one of my early influences but his blatant anti-semitism did not appeal to me. He was, nevertheless, a good historian.

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I listened to this on your podcast it is absolutely unbelievably good. Really connected quite a lot of dots for me. Such a brilliant interview.

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Terrific show guys. Thank you.

I’ve often wondered whether the continual repetition of ‘Black Lives Matter’ is really nothing at all to do with an issue of race ( because I’m sure we all agree that no one should be oppressing any fellow human being on any basis of race, ethnicity, politics or religion), but is instead part of their ‘spelling’ magic.

Black being the colour of the Jesuits, the very name ‘Black Nobility’, BlackRock etc etc (the list is lengthy) - when we see sportsmen & women repeatedly ‘taking the knee’ at sporting events watched by thousands and viewed on TV by many, many more, are we in fact watching something entirely different instead? Taking the knee is a very subservient thing to do. A bowing down before someone in authority…What are we actually seeing happening? Is it in fact a channelling of good thoughts and our well-intentioned energy, diverting to a ‘black’ entity of their own that has absolutely nothing to do with race? Another of their many jokes at our expense, hidden in plain sight? Sounds like their usual modus operandi.

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I noticed that too!

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Aloha & Mahalo Jeremy...and Frances the Leader of the Pack!

full speed ahead...pedal to the metal...

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Thank you Fran and Jerm Warfare for letting Fran speak and giving Fran Voice Again.

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It is problematic to exclusively blame "the Jews"

As it is problematic to blame exclusively the "Black Nobility"

But having said that, blame where blame is due.

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All roads lead to Rothschild.

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You obviously didn't listen to the interview. The mere fact that the Rothschild's name and faces are found everywhere, should tell you this family is NOT at the top of the pyramid.

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The pyramid contains multiple pyramids ..The "top" is a nebulous apogee

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Right! The true top families are not known to the public! The Rothschilds work for the true ones at the top!

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They print money for governments to give to them. ;-p

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Their names and faces aren't everywhere?!

The entire wealth of the rich and powerful were stolen legally by Nathaniel Rothschild in the aftermath of the battle of Waterloo.

Look at the satanic inversion we are witnessing worldwide. It could not be any clearer that the Talmudic influences of the Sabbotean Frankists, which includes the House of Rothschild, are the ones calling the shots.

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You’re spot on about the Sabbateans but in reality the Rothschilds are merely the bag-men.

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The cartel united in 1776.

Adam Weishaupt, Jakob Frank and Mayer Amschel Rothschild.

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Certainly significant names there but bear in mind Weishaupt was a pupil of Kolmer(Medici), Frank was connected to the Habsburgs and the Bauers were hired by Hesse who are a sub branch of Farnese.

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How did I forget to mention those bad boys? Well noted, Arbz!

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1815 was when the Rothschilds dominated everything by legally stealing everyone's wealth in the aftermath of the battle of Waterloo.

The Sabbotean cult of inversion is clearly the religion of the globalists being imposed upon us.

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So, Francis is Geou-wish?

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Yes, 1/4 and it shows.

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This talk has the potential to transform the world! Excellent!

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Hi Frances , hope you are well as can be. Have you any ideas as to why the city of London police were involved in the prosecution of Jeremy Bamber ?

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Some clues as to the involvement of the City of London police force can be gleaned from this recent article:


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Yep, that's where I learned about their involvement. Thanks

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Essex Police were investigated by the City of London police BUT I think there is a reason why it was them and not another county doing the checks. There is reason to think that Jeremy Bamber is an illegitimate royal (mentioned very briefly at the start of the article). Our Royal family does not like scandals so shutting down the enquiries would be important to them. I did wonder about the case at the time…. I thought Jeremy Bamber was innocent.

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If I went to West Mersea with my Dad as we would maybe once a year, he'd always say that he thought Jeremy Bamber was innocent as we went through Tolleshunt D'Arcy . Yes, I saw the beginning bit too and thought that was why CofL police were involved. Thanks for the reply Frances

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AWESOME, thank you & have a beautiful weekend.

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