I read "Can You Catch a Cold?" by Daniel Roytas. 203 experiments to investigate transmission that all failed in different ways. No virus ever found. That's all you need. Actually I am editing this to add that Jerm has already interviewed him...search for "Daniel Roytas on whether you can catch a cold".

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We had a decent retirement (401K) account with UBS for many, many years which we bailed out of in 2019 when we heard they were quietly infusing the banking system with billions per day. We took a huge tax hit to do it but still, to this day, feel grateful to have taken those funds and invested in paying off our mortgage and buying equipment and supplies that should allow us to not comply (at least longer than most). But what I find so egregious is that every couple of months we receive notifications of class action lawsuits with regard to stock that was in our portfolio. But we can't file for what should be rightfully ours because UBS refuses to take the time to provide us with the required documentation. It's a great trick, IMO! Perpetuate fraud, participate in it and when it's time to hold anyone to account, make that impossible too. smh This is the way all of our systems work - pure fraud and collusion.

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one of the best interviews ever, James has given me new hope and determination

thank you Jerm for this

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Not sure if anyone here agrees but it seems the younger generation don't seem to care as much about the CBDC issue? And by younger generation I don't mean school leavers or people who haven't actually earned any money and have therefore not paid taxes etc. I'm referring to the vast majority of people that pay for everything using their cellphones!

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Rubbish Bitcoin then say "yeah I buy Bitcoin"

Cocain's a hell of drug.....🤣🤣🤣

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PLEASE, can you interview JJ Couey.... he is brilliant and on track since 2021.... he has lost everything because he has and is speaking out about what has happened in the last five yrs and against the meddlers that are pretending to come and save us....





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He is coming. 😎

Become a paid subscriber and you can ask him questions when I interview him.

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Oh, great....so happy to hear..... I am an on-call education assistant on limited pay...would love to but can't...... I hope I can catch the interview and that it's not behind a paywall as many need to hear his message.....

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Hello StellaMaris, Having read about the intricacies of the PCR procedure (it is not a "test") and read the science of "viruses" in Virus Mania and Can You Catch A Cold? I would have to question "brilliant". I also question his use of the word "sequence" when he means "assembly" of short nucleotide sequences. The PCR is severely flawed and is more like "dipping a witch" in being able to choose an outcome that the client is paying for. What they don't tell you is there is a dial called "baseline threshold" which you can turn all the way down or "up to 11" & that's in addition to cycles etc. The PCR has NO diagnostic specificity. Here is what it is: take sputum, add dye and foo foo dust, heat, measure colour of dye. Adjust machine conditions to get the result client is paying for. Then sell this machine for $thousands and bamboozle billions. Well I guess that is "brilliant " if you are invested in pandemics. I hope that's helpful. Check out Danial Roytas interview that Jerm did recently and everything from Mark Bailey. I am not a virologist - my background is in chemistry & engineering with a lifetime of understanding, designing & verifying test methods following strict scientific, economic and statistical guidelines imposed on me by rigorous industry standards (like ASTM) and the need to make an honest buck. As far as I remember I never used these methods for propaganda, to "sound smart" or to lock anyone down. Peace

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Hi Dave, I still think he is brilliant..... and that is my opinion...... I am also not a virologist...... I guess you can ask Dr Couey those questions or comments when he comes on the podcast..... and as far as Mark Bailey....... he has made lots of videos talking about the no-virus camp..... I am not a staunch supporter of any at this point but what he says is still relevant and he brings all the receipts...... https://stream.gigaohm.bio/search?search=bailey&searchTarget=local

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Brilliant conversation. He covers everything from Blackrock, WEF, the banking cartel etc. Positive being the CBDC’s will be a disaster, negative is there will be lots of pain to go through.

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