Isn't it interesting that the British government intended to send illegal immigrants to Rwanda last year? I believe that the scheme was unpopular and in November 2023, the Supreme Court ruled that sending asylum seekers to Rwanda was unlawful, but the government has decided to continue with the policy.. Hell, what do they imagine will happen to them?


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Hi Jerm.

Bernard Lugan's research and works on Africa are both varied and vast and l'm in no way apt in giving a résumé of what he discovered throughout his long life.

On the subject of Rwanda, he totally rejects any underhand role said to be exercised by the french government and surprisingly to many states that the tragic Killing Fields in Rwanda were not programmed, which I guess means that what alas took place wasn't premeditated. Controversial indeed, but he no doubt has his own strong documented arguments.

Further discussion and debate will be needed.

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It absolutely was premeditated, going back to 1990 already, hence listening to this conversation. Anybody trying to dismiss the involvement of the Western interests is being disingenuous. This was not a tribal genocide.

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It'd be highly interesting and revealing for Keith Snow to meet up with France's Africa Affairs Specialist and intellectual, Bernard Lugan, and compare notes.

Bernard Lugan is also a learned man who doesn't mince his words when he goes against the OfficialSpeak received wisdom about Africa's REAL 'his' tory and his views of the tragic Rwanda mass killings and has ruffled the oh so many feathers of those in academia who teach BS to university students about this continent and its peoples🗣️💩📢🤬 !!

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What is his argument?

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