Larken Rose will be speaking at Liberty on the Rocks - Sedona - The Voluntaryism Conference on Nov 1st-3rd where you can catch him live or streamed globally. Get the details at Sedona.ArtOfLiberty.org. Also, the Art of Liberty Foundation carries The Most Dangerous Superstition as well at Government-Scam.com/Store

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I live in a subdivision. One "neighbor" regularly burns wood and other things creating so much smoke that I have to close the windows in mild weather. Another "neighbor" has a flood light that shines in my bedroom window all night long. A third has three large dogs that bark almost non stop. I have spoken to each and they, being right libertarians, have the attitude of liberty for them and they don't care about anyone else. How do you propose living among uneighborly "neighbors"

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Those aren't libertarians, those are A-holes using an ideology to do as they please (not that I defend libertarianism). Many of us are surrounded by that type, unfortunately. Everyone has been twisted by their consensus conditioning, it just manifests in different ways. But is government doing anything about these creeps?

I think an uncomfortable transitional period is unavoidable. Just how uncomfortable and for how long? I wish I knew. But as Larken said, the human self corrects and readily self organizes. Some repugnant behaviors start to fade when one realize they will be excluded from the market of value exchange. I see this in real time as a dog trainer, albeit less complex. Once a boundary is understood and consequences reliably dealt, naughty behaviors mysteriously stop happening, lol.

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I wonder about those who commit what we call crimes, such as rape, theft, murder. How would a society without some kind of government deal with such people? With the best will in the world there will always be those in society that do awful things, some worse than others. Who decides what is a crime and what is the punishment? It's not easy in the huge societies we have today to come to consensus.

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The government runs on the victim/perpetrator/savior dynamic.

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The illusion of government is served well when rape is part of your experience. It is a powerful instrument of chaos to legitimize false authority.

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It's fine in theory but how does one realistically go from "here" to "there":

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Attend Liberty on the Rocks - Sedona - The Voluntaryism Conference on Nov 1st-3rd where we will be discussing that exact issue! Sedona.ArtOfLiberty.org

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A nearly always overlooked problem with government border enforcement and/or walls is one that is already occurring--that is, what keeps people out also keeps people in.

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The problem with Larken is he never presents a viable path towards this alternative Stateless state of existence. There’s no explanation beyond hand waving and motherhood statements about what would prevent gangs forming and taking over territory by force and imposing their will, in much the same that most States in the old world (Europe, Asia) were originally formed.

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China has no reason to invade the US. Why empower the US oligarchs by repeating their propoganda? The Zionists have very much invaded the US and rule over it. They are among the ones calling for things like Homeland Security not China.

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China’s CCP believes/asserts that the Native Americans were originally from China and therefore North America is rightfully Chinese territory that will eventually be reunited with the Mainland.

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