The Black Nobility spawned the Vatican and the Mafia. The Vatican spawned the CIA which cooperates with the Mafia. Yes... it is still active throughout NATO countries and probably further afield.
The MO is said to be the control of communism but that is not true. The Vatican supported and profited from the development of communism by the Jesuits in Uruguay and Paraguay 'Reducciones' for more than 200 years! Their education establishments taught Karl Marx and Lenin. Their missionaries taught in China.
The notion that Gladio was formed after WWII as a stay behind force to keep Soviet Communism from spreading across Europe has me scratching my head. If the west was determined to keep the Soviets in check then why didn’t the US and GB ally with Germany? Hitler begged Churchill and Rosevelt to join him to put a stop to the spread of communism in Europe. In stead, US and GB allied with Stalin. I see “stopping the spread” as a flimsy cover for capturing the drug market to finance CIA black operations which has only aided the spread of communism worldwide. Was that the goal all along?
The Black Nobility spawned the Vatican and the Mafia. The Vatican spawned the CIA which cooperates with the Mafia. Yes... it is still active throughout NATO countries and probably further afield.
The MO is said to be the control of communism but that is not true. The Vatican supported and profited from the development of communism by the Jesuits in Uruguay and Paraguay 'Reducciones' for more than 200 years! Their education establishments taught Karl Marx and Lenin. Their missionaries taught in China.
The notion that Gladio was formed after WWII as a stay behind force to keep Soviet Communism from spreading across Europe has me scratching my head. If the west was determined to keep the Soviets in check then why didn’t the US and GB ally with Germany? Hitler begged Churchill and Rosevelt to join him to put a stop to the spread of communism in Europe. In stead, US and GB allied with Stalin. I see “stopping the spread” as a flimsy cover for capturing the drug market to finance CIA black operations which has only aided the spread of communism worldwide. Was that the goal all along?
The POPE is the CEO of Vatican, Inc. LLC (Limited Liability Corporate/Church.)