Fabulous interview and I agree I it could have gone on much longer! I think Sasha and Katherine have done the entire world a favour by exposing the horrible laws that have allowed this all to be “legal”. Extremely shocking to first learn about but liberating at the same time. And thank you Jerm! I found you early in during Covid and your guests have all been very interesting and informative. I may not believe everything (flat earth comes to mind) but it’s so refreshing to be able to have an open minded discussion about all sorts of topics. Thank you! 👏👏
I agree with Sasha on everything she will actually discuss. However, try to get her to consider that electro-magnetic frequencies, particularly the roll out of 5G, may be the root cause of the novel illness we experience and sit well back to watch her explode in fireworks with enough spite and venom to rival any snake.
She sounds all sweetness and light in her interviews, but do not be fooled. That is one steely, foul mouthed harridan when you take her out of her comfort zone. She could have dealt with the 5G issue by saying that she would consider the evidence but she did not. She abused and insulted and gas lit me for DAYS. I had to block her to put an end to her foul bullying.
I have also seen her pull the same personality switch on several other people.
Sasha has an agenda and if you want to discuss your own ideas she will whip you back into line like a Gestapo officer. So, sadly, I have to say that, from what I know of her, she is controlling and limiting at the least..... deliberately distracting at worst.
I am still looking into EMF/5G and will gladly expose the harms, but I do not accept the claim that there was a novel illness in 2020. In order for it to be novel, one needs to define precisely what was novel (never before observed). To date, nobody has been able to show anything new other than typical symptoms. If something is novel, how do you test for it? What are the metrics? What is the diagnostic test used? Saying 'I had something I've never had before' is not testable, so how does one conclude that something is novel?
Jerm, the theory that there was no novel illness is easily falsified. I think the proponents of it forget a couple of important points of scientific logic, see here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falsifiability
1) You cannot prove negative
2) The novel illness does not have to be deadly (thus it won't show in excess mortality or total mortality, but only in morbidity data)
Sasha described the principle symptoms which were definitely novel. The loss of smell and taste which resulted in her losing 20lbs of weight. Did you forget that part of her explanation?
Each person who suffers from electro-magnetic radiation sickness will provide you with a laundry list of symptoms which do not stop UNLESS the person can extract themselves from an EMF saturated environment.
I am one such person. I have to hardwire all devices, ban smart phones from my home, ground myself all day long by keeping bare feet on a special grounding mat. I wear EMF protective clothing, especially if I am going out. Here in the UK it is virtually impossible to find places that are clean of EMF exposure.
So far, with my trusty electrosmog detector I have found one safe space. It is the sauna at my local spa and I visit it 3 times a week for a rest from the battle.
My symptoms change too and I have heard this from others in their testimonies. If you imagine that the air is fraught with a multitude of signals from telecoms, monitors and the internet of things then symptoms inevitably alter as we move between zones. Some places are much worse than others.
Here in UK, the motorways are literally festooned with towers every few hundred yards and people have their receiving devices in a steel bodied vehicle. The EMF signals are attracted into the cars and bouncing around, penetrating them and their children with alarming effects, most of which are invisible because it has been proven that EMFs can alter DNA and can use hair follicles and calcium gateways as antennae within the body - especially in children and pets.
The impact of EMF proliferation in the British environment has been colossal. We have lost a lot of wildlife, especially insects and, as a consequence, small bird populations are disappearing fast. Trees and plants are burned on one side which is exposed to a tower or smart meter.
For a very clear understanding of the dreadful and highly variable impacts of unnatural electro-magnetic radiation please see two books:
Loss of taste and smell isn't novel, though. People have always lost taste and smell. Novel means 'new'. The mechanism by which one loses taste and smell might be novel, but the symptoms themselves are typical.
That's my point. People keep saying 'novel illness' while never actually explaining what they mean.
Believe me, when the symptoms of an overload of EMFs hits you, it is completely unlike anything else you may attribute to a flu or a cold. It certainly IS novel..... I do know what the word means, Jerm. Thanks.
Please see the symptoms listed in schematics created by US Military during 1972 included in one of my more recent articles.
We are all different and we have different strengths and weaknesses. Some of us get very sick immediately, others gradually build up a reaction until they are disabled! Mentally, most are completely oblivious of the root cause and do not know to avoid EMFs and so they worsen and worsen due to lack of information. Sceptics like Sasha and yourself who refuse to admit that something genuinely health threatening is occurring, due to invasive telecoms signals, are NOT HELPING us at all and, in fact, encourage the telecoms industry to continue making our lives a living hell.
It is an invisible weapon, Jerm! It also leaves NO RESIDUE and so deniability is very easy for the industry and its supporters.
Sure, but then how is that measured? Perhaps it isn't a novel illness but rather your body responding in a novel way (since, as you say, we're all different).
I maintain that no novel symptoms occurred during 2020 and, in fact, I'll argue that there are very few diseases that actually exist. What has happened is that Big Pharma has created multiple names for overlapping expressions of illness, followed by adding new products for those new names.
Death is the same thing for all humans, but the way in which we die differs, for example.
It is ‘novel’ when the government permits private companies to torture their citizens with microwaves which are known to seriously damage health.
The use of the word ‘novel’ originates in authoritarian literature. It doesn’t matter in the slightest. What matters is the many people who became very ill when 5G was rolled out in Wuhan, Bergamo, Tehran, London and New York (in that order) before March 2020.
Many of them died. I (for example) became hypoxic, lost all my teeth and much of my hair. There has been no recovery.
I don’t care if the particular arrangement of symptoms is novel or old hat. I care that people’s lives are ruined and that they are getting progressively more sick while you claim not to even believe that anything happened.
Frances, anyone who comes at me with aggression and bullying, like you did (you forgot?) will get what they are asking for. I am not kind, nor nice, nor sweet, but I am fair. In fact, thanks for demonstrating your behavior here... LOL.
I do have a question however. If a virus or bacteria can be transmitted via aerosols (airborn), and if that pathogen is able to breach the mucosal immune system, and get into the blood, then is it not possible that the pathogen could kill you as effectively as a pathogen which directly enters the bloodstream from a bite?
I think it is possible, and I think one could find a lot of anecdotal and published case studies to back up this hypothesis.
So, if a pathogen can be transmitted through the air, is it not possible for one person to transmit that pathogen to another's lungs through aerosols or exosomes which comes out of the infected person's lungs? If this can happen, then what is to stop a pandemic (or mass outbreak) from the disease?
Please don't take my questions as an attack. I have the utmost respect for you and your work, but I just wanted to hear your thoughts on these questions, which must be satisfied for me to buy the theory that pandemics can't happen.
Thanks again for the important revelations you have made. It's shocking, how evil a fascist government can become. Fascism is used in the traditional sense here as the merger of corporate and federal government. Large government usually becomes an evil beast, because of the fact that the powerful are the most corrupted by it. It becomes 10 times as evil when the endless need for more corporate profits, run the show.
Man, this was fascinating. I actually found this interview on Sasha's Substack. My awakening started with 9/11 in 2007. When covid struck, I did not immediately realize what was happening. When the vaccine was mentioned, I was "like hell no!". 9/11 WAS LIKE A FIRE WORKS SHOW COMPARED TO THE INTENT OF THIS PLANDEMIC.
And thanks to Sasha for sharing a wealth of information and insights.
Below is a link to a post people might find useful. It provides a substantial shortlist of highly credentialled whistleblowers who have made a significant dent in the Covid narrative which—as we are now witnessing—is falling apart.
Peace, brother
Profiles in Courage: The COVID Era Whistleblowers:
There is a paper by Pfizer, an R&D report showing how they made synthetic spike proteins, including TEM images of it. I published on it, and some other researchers did too. I am satisfied with the evidence from Pfizer that this can be made in a lab. Also, I recently published on a UCSF study showing spike (in vaxxed, but they tried to cover it up) with a wide variety of scientific methods, including various imaging techniques. So it definitely exists. Thanks.
Mark, the clots are real, and supposedly they are in about 20% of the deceased. These clots have been analyzed by many labs. They consist of amyloid proteins containing misfolded spike proteins with fibrin and other clotting proteins.
Stephanie Senef and other scientists have published on the prion domains present in the spike's genomic sequence. The spike protein is likely to cause a variety of prion diseases in the next 10 years. It can effect any organ, not just the brain, (remember mad cow? That was a prion disease). Those who get symptoms have a zero chance of survival.
I fear that, over the next 10 years, most of the vaxed will be gone. Sorry to even suggest that, but prions from the shots, make this outcome likely. It's very sad to consider.
So, you did not read the original documents, you are going by an opinion of a 3rd party that you like? Ok, got it. LOL. The rubbery clots are real, I have seen actual samples and talked to the actual morticians who extracted them, and in one case to the victim who was still alive. Those are polymerized crosslinked fibrin, crosslinking is facilitated by the spike circulating in the blood.
I am assuming you did not watch the video. Whether or not synthetic spike protein was created in a lab is not the point. Once the so called SP enters the bloodstream, or the system if you will, it replicates and stands ready to defend against an imaginary virus. Globulins or what is called antibody is not specific to anything. It does not attack anything antibodies are just like virus. It’s a fraud. If I have butchered that explanation, listen to Stefano from 19:00 until whenever you want to stop. Better yet watch the entire video. I do not make scientific judgments based on the personality or likability of the messenger.
I have no access to the original documents from Pfizer. If they are using cell culture isolation techniques and taking electron imaging of particles said to be spike, that is not acceptable. If they are using an antibody test like Eliza. That is nonsense too. They never control with more than one antigen. They only use one antigen. If they get a cytopathic effect they say it is spike.
“ Nobody has ever isolated a spike protein directly from the blood of any vaccinated person. Isolation of proteins is something that’s done routinely.” This is a quote from Dr Scoglio in the video. If you watch the video you will at least understand what the rebuttal to your position is.
Mark, proteins can be "isolated" (purified and crystalized, then analyzed to reveal its structure). This assumes it's functional structure is the same as it's crystalized structure. And it assumes you can easily get enough protein purified to crystalize it. This is not always possible.
These days you can sometimes see the protein, in its native structure, directly using atomic force microscopy. So there's no need to purify and crystalize it.
Purifying viruses and crystalizing them is not really a good way to learn about it's functional structure. This is why other methods are used.
Do a deep dive. The rabbit hole is more like a vast cavern of knowledge, some good, some less good. It's worth taking the leap. You may not agree with everything, but isn't that how science works?
We all have our pet theories, which may be 100% true, but may not be also. When we all listen and consider the evidence and reason others offer in support of their theories, and we do the same, then eventually a better truth is had by all. This is what science is all about in my opinion.
Let’s get out of the in vitro didactics. I am not trying to teach anybody anything or insult their intelligence. There are at least over one hundred reliable studies that have been unable to prove human to human transmission of disease.
If there is no contagion, there’s no virus. Whatever particle you identify or call a virus or any other pathogen is silly. If it doesn’t transmit a disease, it’s just more biological debris. A spike protein is specific to a virus, right? So, spike protein is an artificial version of something that does not exist in the first place, at least not in nature. A bunch of stupid gullible people allowed a small group of sick fuck satin worshiping assholes to inject them with poison. The original definition of virus is poisonous substance. Pharmacia is sorcery by means of poison elixir. It is real simple, contagion is bullshit and don’t take poison!!!
It is obvious, at least now, that the scam was worldwide and required the cooperation of most the world powers. But the question in my mind is what is the goal, the end game, that would unify so many disparate governments? Population reduction? Seems to me that there are much simpler ways to achieve that with the full cooperation of the people.
Like if the goal really is population reduction then give the process a couple of generations to fulfill itself? IDK, provide economic incentives for voluntary sterilization? The powers that shouldn’t be spend trillions of dollars on warfare, they could just as easily spend the same on “buyout packages” to individuals to stop reproducing. If it is a certain strata of the population they wish to get rid of then the “vaccine” did not do such a great job of selection.
Loved the interview, btw, it could have gone on for hours. For instance, I’d like to hear more about the RFK Jr book on Fauci. I think Fauci was set up to throw under the bus and RFK Jr (look where he is now) was given the green light to do the hit and run.
they don't have time for a couple of generations. The dollar system is collapsing much faster than that and they need to shrink the "balance sheet" ASAP. Money supply depends directly on the population size. Fauci is irrelevant. Covid wasn't his policy, he may have helped design it but he was not in charge, he was a figurehead.
Fabulous interview and I agree I it could have gone on much longer! I think Sasha and Katherine have done the entire world a favour by exposing the horrible laws that have allowed this all to be “legal”. Extremely shocking to first learn about but liberating at the same time. And thank you Jerm! I found you early in during Covid and your guests have all been very interesting and informative. I may not believe everything (flat earth comes to mind) but it’s so refreshing to be able to have an open minded discussion about all sorts of topics. Thank you! 👏👏
Yes it was
Planned and funded by DoD
I agree with Sasha on everything she will actually discuss. However, try to get her to consider that electro-magnetic frequencies, particularly the roll out of 5G, may be the root cause of the novel illness we experience and sit well back to watch her explode in fireworks with enough spite and venom to rival any snake.
She won't even entertain the idea even though the documentation and proof would physically engulf her if she were to dare to check it out. I have a continuously growing archive here: https://francesleader.substack.com/p/all-my-substack-articles-on-emfc19
She sounds all sweetness and light in her interviews, but do not be fooled. That is one steely, foul mouthed harridan when you take her out of her comfort zone. She could have dealt with the 5G issue by saying that she would consider the evidence but she did not. She abused and insulted and gas lit me for DAYS. I had to block her to put an end to her foul bullying.
I have also seen her pull the same personality switch on several other people.
Sasha has an agenda and if you want to discuss your own ideas she will whip you back into line like a Gestapo officer. So, sadly, I have to say that, from what I know of her, she is controlling and limiting at the least..... deliberately distracting at worst.
I am still looking into EMF/5G and will gladly expose the harms, but I do not accept the claim that there was a novel illness in 2020. In order for it to be novel, one needs to define precisely what was novel (never before observed). To date, nobody has been able to show anything new other than typical symptoms. If something is novel, how do you test for it? What are the metrics? What is the diagnostic test used? Saying 'I had something I've never had before' is not testable, so how does one conclude that something is novel?
Jerm, the theory that there was no novel illness is easily falsified. I think the proponents of it forget a couple of important points of scientific logic, see here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falsifiability
1) You cannot prove negative
2) The novel illness does not have to be deadly (thus it won't show in excess mortality or total mortality, but only in morbidity data)
3) Causes of "covid" illness and "covid" death do not have to be the same: https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/covid-illness-is-different-from-covid?r=uaapz
Sasha described the principle symptoms which were definitely novel. The loss of smell and taste which resulted in her losing 20lbs of weight. Did you forget that part of her explanation?
Each person who suffers from electro-magnetic radiation sickness will provide you with a laundry list of symptoms which do not stop UNLESS the person can extract themselves from an EMF saturated environment.
I am one such person. I have to hardwire all devices, ban smart phones from my home, ground myself all day long by keeping bare feet on a special grounding mat. I wear EMF protective clothing, especially if I am going out. Here in the UK it is virtually impossible to find places that are clean of EMF exposure.
So far, with my trusty electrosmog detector I have found one safe space. It is the sauna at my local spa and I visit it 3 times a week for a rest from the battle.
My symptoms change too and I have heard this from others in their testimonies. If you imagine that the air is fraught with a multitude of signals from telecoms, monitors and the internet of things then symptoms inevitably alter as we move between zones. Some places are much worse than others.
Here in UK, the motorways are literally festooned with towers every few hundred yards and people have their receiving devices in a steel bodied vehicle. The EMF signals are attracted into the cars and bouncing around, penetrating them and their children with alarming effects, most of which are invisible because it has been proven that EMFs can alter DNA and can use hair follicles and calcium gateways as antennae within the body - especially in children and pets.
The impact of EMF proliferation in the British environment has been colossal. We have lost a lot of wildlife, especially insects and, as a consequence, small bird populations are disappearing fast. Trees and plants are burned on one side which is exposed to a tower or smart meter.
For a very clear understanding of the dreadful and highly variable impacts of unnatural electro-magnetic radiation please see two books:
The Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Firstenberg
The Body Electric by Robert Becker MD
Loss of taste and smell isn't novel, though. People have always lost taste and smell. Novel means 'new'. The mechanism by which one loses taste and smell might be novel, but the symptoms themselves are typical.
That's my point. People keep saying 'novel illness' while never actually explaining what they mean.
Believe me, when the symptoms of an overload of EMFs hits you, it is completely unlike anything else you may attribute to a flu or a cold. It certainly IS novel..... I do know what the word means, Jerm. Thanks.
Please see the symptoms listed in schematics created by US Military during 1972 included in one of my more recent articles.
We are all different and we have different strengths and weaknesses. Some of us get very sick immediately, others gradually build up a reaction until they are disabled! Mentally, most are completely oblivious of the root cause and do not know to avoid EMFs and so they worsen and worsen due to lack of information. Sceptics like Sasha and yourself who refuse to admit that something genuinely health threatening is occurring, due to invasive telecoms signals, are NOT HELPING us at all and, in fact, encourage the telecoms industry to continue making our lives a living hell.
It is an invisible weapon, Jerm! It also leaves NO RESIDUE and so deniability is very easy for the industry and its supporters.
Sure, but then how is that measured? Perhaps it isn't a novel illness but rather your body responding in a novel way (since, as you say, we're all different).
I maintain that no novel symptoms occurred during 2020 and, in fact, I'll argue that there are very few diseases that actually exist. What has happened is that Big Pharma has created multiple names for overlapping expressions of illness, followed by adding new products for those new names.
Death is the same thing for all humans, but the way in which we die differs, for example.
It is ‘novel’ when the government permits private companies to torture their citizens with microwaves which are known to seriously damage health.
The use of the word ‘novel’ originates in authoritarian literature. It doesn’t matter in the slightest. What matters is the many people who became very ill when 5G was rolled out in Wuhan, Bergamo, Tehran, London and New York (in that order) before March 2020.
Many of them died. I (for example) became hypoxic, lost all my teeth and much of my hair. There has been no recovery.
I don’t care if the particular arrangement of symptoms is novel or old hat. I care that people’s lives are ruined and that they are getting progressively more sick while you claim not to even believe that anything happened.
Frances, anyone who comes at me with aggression and bullying, like you did (you forgot?) will get what they are asking for. I am not kind, nor nice, nor sweet, but I am fair. In fact, thanks for demonstrating your behavior here... LOL.
Great information Sasha. Thank you.
I do have a question however. If a virus or bacteria can be transmitted via aerosols (airborn), and if that pathogen is able to breach the mucosal immune system, and get into the blood, then is it not possible that the pathogen could kill you as effectively as a pathogen which directly enters the bloodstream from a bite?
I think it is possible, and I think one could find a lot of anecdotal and published case studies to back up this hypothesis.
So, if a pathogen can be transmitted through the air, is it not possible for one person to transmit that pathogen to another's lungs through aerosols or exosomes which comes out of the infected person's lungs? If this can happen, then what is to stop a pandemic (or mass outbreak) from the disease?
Please don't take my questions as an attack. I have the utmost respect for you and your work, but I just wanted to hear your thoughts on these questions, which must be satisfied for me to buy the theory that pandemics can't happen.
Thanks again for the important revelations you have made. It's shocking, how evil a fascist government can become. Fascism is used in the traditional sense here as the merger of corporate and federal government. Large government usually becomes an evil beast, because of the fact that the powerful are the most corrupted by it. It becomes 10 times as evil when the endless need for more corporate profits, run the show.
Man, this was fascinating. I actually found this interview on Sasha's Substack. My awakening started with 9/11 in 2007. When covid struck, I did not immediately realize what was happening. When the vaccine was mentioned, I was "like hell no!". 9/11 WAS LIKE A FIRE WORKS SHOW COMPARED TO THE INTENT OF THIS PLANDEMIC.
Jerm, thanks again for another great interview.
And thanks to Sasha for sharing a wealth of information and insights.
Below is a link to a post people might find useful. It provides a substantial shortlist of highly credentialled whistleblowers who have made a significant dent in the Covid narrative which—as we are now witnessing—is falling apart.
Peace, brother
Profiles in Courage: The COVID Era Whistleblowers:
Show me the paper for the isolation of the spike protein. Proteins can be isolated and characterized. Until such time there is no spike protein.
There is a paper by Pfizer, an R&D report showing how they made synthetic spike proteins, including TEM images of it. I published on it, and some other researchers did too. I am satisfied with the evidence from Pfizer that this can be made in a lab. Also, I recently published on a UCSF study showing spike (in vaxxed, but they tried to cover it up) with a wide variety of scientific methods, including various imaging techniques. So it definitely exists. Thanks.
My source: Dr Stefano Scoglio
Snake venom, lab leak, spike protein, graphene, self assembling nanobots controlled by 5g, all unsubstantiated BS.
The clotting that morticians are on about is likely more bs, but I have not looked closely at that phenomenon.
Mark, the clots are real, and supposedly they are in about 20% of the deceased. These clots have been analyzed by many labs. They consist of amyloid proteins containing misfolded spike proteins with fibrin and other clotting proteins.
Stephanie Senef and other scientists have published on the prion domains present in the spike's genomic sequence. The spike protein is likely to cause a variety of prion diseases in the next 10 years. It can effect any organ, not just the brain, (remember mad cow? That was a prion disease). Those who get symptoms have a zero chance of survival.
I fear that, over the next 10 years, most of the vaxed will be gone. Sorry to even suggest that, but prions from the shots, make this outcome likely. It's very sad to consider.
So, you did not read the original documents, you are going by an opinion of a 3rd party that you like? Ok, got it. LOL. The rubbery clots are real, I have seen actual samples and talked to the actual morticians who extracted them, and in one case to the victim who was still alive. Those are polymerized crosslinked fibrin, crosslinking is facilitated by the spike circulating in the blood.
I am assuming you did not watch the video. Whether or not synthetic spike protein was created in a lab is not the point. Once the so called SP enters the bloodstream, or the system if you will, it replicates and stands ready to defend against an imaginary virus. Globulins or what is called antibody is not specific to anything. It does not attack anything antibodies are just like virus. It’s a fraud. If I have butchered that explanation, listen to Stefano from 19:00 until whenever you want to stop. Better yet watch the entire video. I do not make scientific judgments based on the personality or likability of the messenger.
How is this relevant to what I said?
I have no access to the original documents from Pfizer. If they are using cell culture isolation techniques and taking electron imaging of particles said to be spike, that is not acceptable. If they are using an antibody test like Eliza. That is nonsense too. They never control with more than one antigen. They only use one antigen. If they get a cytopathic effect they say it is spike.
“ Nobody has ever isolated a spike protein directly from the blood of any vaccinated person. Isolation of proteins is something that’s done routinely.” This is a quote from Dr Scoglio in the video. If you watch the video you will at least understand what the rebuttal to your position is.
Mark, proteins can be "isolated" (purified and crystalized, then analyzed to reveal its structure). This assumes it's functional structure is the same as it's crystalized structure. And it assumes you can easily get enough protein purified to crystalize it. This is not always possible.
These days you can sometimes see the protein, in its native structure, directly using atomic force microscopy. So there's no need to purify and crystalize it.
Purifying viruses and crystalizing them is not really a good way to learn about it's functional structure. This is why other methods are used.
Do a deep dive. The rabbit hole is more like a vast cavern of knowledge, some good, some less good. It's worth taking the leap. You may not agree with everything, but isn't that how science works?
We all have our pet theories, which may be 100% true, but may not be also. When we all listen and consider the evidence and reason others offer in support of their theories, and we do the same, then eventually a better truth is had by all. This is what science is all about in my opinion.
Let’s get out of the in vitro didactics. I am not trying to teach anybody anything or insult their intelligence. There are at least over one hundred reliable studies that have been unable to prove human to human transmission of disease.
Even Yeadon says contagion is a psyop.
If there is no contagion, there’s no virus. Whatever particle you identify or call a virus or any other pathogen is silly. If it doesn’t transmit a disease, it’s just more biological debris. A spike protein is specific to a virus, right? So, spike protein is an artificial version of something that does not exist in the first place, at least not in nature. A bunch of stupid gullible people allowed a small group of sick fuck satin worshiping assholes to inject them with poison. The original definition of virus is poisonous substance. Pharmacia is sorcery by means of poison elixir. It is real simple, contagion is bullshit and don’t take poison!!!
SV-40???? (Simeon VIRUS 40).
It is obvious, at least now, that the scam was worldwide and required the cooperation of most the world powers. But the question in my mind is what is the goal, the end game, that would unify so many disparate governments? Population reduction? Seems to me that there are much simpler ways to achieve that with the full cooperation of the people.
"simpler way", like what - everyone kills themselves with joy?
Like if the goal really is population reduction then give the process a couple of generations to fulfill itself? IDK, provide economic incentives for voluntary sterilization? The powers that shouldn’t be spend trillions of dollars on warfare, they could just as easily spend the same on “buyout packages” to individuals to stop reproducing. If it is a certain strata of the population they wish to get rid of then the “vaccine” did not do such a great job of selection.
Loved the interview, btw, it could have gone on for hours. For instance, I’d like to hear more about the RFK Jr book on Fauci. I think Fauci was set up to throw under the bus and RFK Jr (look where he is now) was given the green light to do the hit and run.
they don't have time for a couple of generations. The dollar system is collapsing much faster than that and they need to shrink the "balance sheet" ASAP. Money supply depends directly on the population size. Fauci is irrelevant. Covid wasn't his policy, he may have helped design it but he was not in charge, he was a figurehead.
See? The interview could have gone on for a couple more hours! Thank you for the quick reply.
Having thought about your reply, has the “vaccine” really, as you say, “shrunk the balance sheet” that much or are we in for a huge purge soon?