If you want to get a fuller picture of my position on Trump, I recommend reading my previous piece on him.
In short, I like him in some ways and dislike him in others, and I think he's a better result than Kamala. At the same time, it's obvious that Biden—who was incoherent and couldn't speak in full sentences—wasn't running the show, so it follows that Trump won't either.
It’s theatre
They're all actors on a stage. The audience (voters) moves them around, while the directors control the show from backstage.
The real source of power is higher up, which includes central bankers, NGOs, corporations, lobbies, think tanks, and so on.
, whose podcast with me about the global power structure is an excellent listen, created the following diagram, which succinctly illustrates my argument.The American president, as you can see, doesn’t sit very high up in the global power structure, within the 'policy enforcer' branch, about halfway down.
Democracy is a gateway to totalitarianism.
And before I hear about America being a republic instead of a democracy, it's much of a muchness; if you vote in a national election for a new president, you're partaking in democracy.
The uni-party
In other words, Trump wields some power, but only enough to keep his electorate generally happy. Both the Democratic and Republican parties have the same trajectory because of the money and power behind them, making them effectively a uni-party. Sure, there are policy differences between the parties, but they’re typically cosmetic. For example, both parties support variations of renewable energy. Elon Musk—who is close to Trump—openly advocates carbon taxes, electric cars, solar energy, and batteries. Whitney Webb’s article, Get Ready for the Republican Carbon Market, is worth reading.
Because, again, the real source of power is higher up, which includes central bankers, NGOs, corporations, lobbies, think tanks, and so on.
My latest cartoon
Another example of party overlap is Zionism: both stand with Israel. Which is what my latest cartoon is about.
It’s a strange phenomenon.
I’ve asked people who are neither Jews nor Israeli citizens why they 'stand with Israel,' and I've never received a coherent answer. It’s as if they don’t know why, exactly, but feel in their heart that they must.
In a previous post, I've discussed what I believe is a fundamental reason why so many millions of Americans put Israel first, which hinges on what they've been taught to believe about the 'chosen land'.
Here’s an earlier cartoon of mine, from when Trump was on the campaign trail.
No, I am not a Trump hater.
I like him more than I dislike him. But as president of the United States, he doesn’t get a free pass just for being a Republican and a great entertainer. I expect excellence, not mediocrity.
Because much of what he says and does impacts the world.
I'm very pro-Israel. In fact, I was the head of the Israeli Day Parade a number of years ago, I did a commercial for [Benjamin] Netanyahu when he was getting elected, he asked me to do a commercial for him, I did a commercial for him.
—Donald Trump
I can trust no government. It speaketh with forked tongue.
Great cartoons!
Trump, not so great...
In my opinion he works for the totalitarian world crime syndicate. Like a mafia boss. I believe he was trained for this role throughout his life and is selected by the Black Nobility, which I noticed that Iain's schematic avoids mentioning.... hmmm.